Category: Blog

How To Set Up Your Workstation To Avoid Neck Pain And Injury

With the modern-day lifestyle revolving around sitting in a chair hunched over a computer or laptop, it’s no wonder that neck pain is becoming one of the most prevalent problems in the Western world.  If you have an office job or you work from home, you

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Is It Better To Use Ice Or Heat When You’re Hurt?

There have been a few different protocols over the years, one of which is RICE.  Research suggests that there are several different protocols that can be effective in lowering inflammation and speeding up the recovery of an injury.  In some cases, ice and heat are not

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How To Recover Faster After A Workout

Exercise is essential to build and maintain a great level of physical and mental fitness. It helps to improve your cardiovascular efficiency and stimulates the growth of new muscle fibers. The things you do after your training sessions can be just as important as the workout itself.

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The Importance of Stretching

Since we are young, we’ve been told to spend a little time stretching our muscles before strenuous activity. We’ve known it was the right thing to do all along.  As we age, stretching is important and everyone needs to be doing it consistently. Stretching isn’t just

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